World Vision Childhood Rescue
Millions of children live amongst conflict, disaster, political unrest & ongoing instability. In these dangerous places children are extremely vulnerable to violence, poverty, abuse and exploitation.
To ensure these children can receive urgent assistance when and where its needed, World Vision designed Childhood Rescue, a regular giving programme that is adaptable, flexible and ensures World Vision can respond immediately with life-saving interventions and crisis recovery programmes that help to build a future for vulnerable children.
Build a brand and aligning campaigns for Childhood Rescue that; reaches younger (25-40) audiences, is distinct from the World Vision Child Sponsorship brand, can be used and adapted by World Vision offices across the globe, and leverages key international days throughout the year e.g. World Refugee Day.
Young donors spend a lot of time on their phones and due to widespread charity fatigue and continually shortening attention spans, they are seldom stopped in their tracks.
So we decided to interrupt them with the unexpected.
Climate change news interrupted by child sexual exploitation, digital ads interrupted by glitches, children playing interrupted by bomb strikes.
The results included 100% of reporting offices indicating that the Childhood Rescue campaign saved on time, resources and internal costs. 79% of reporting offices said it drove engagement on social media and created awareness. 20 different offices around the world adapted and localised CHR campaign.
Read more here.