Make-A-Wish Foundation Urgent Appeal
Since 1985 Make-A-Wish Australia has been granting the wishes of children living with critical or terminal illnesses.
These wishes are not fleeting gifts – each of them is a carefully planned journey, designed to complement a child’s medical treatment, and give them the hope, strength and joy they need to fight their illness.
In 2021, Make-A-Wish Australia had 34 children on a waiting list to have their wish granted.
Create an urgent digital fundraising campaign to enable Make-A-Wish Australia to grant the wishes of 34 critically ill children.
When you have a critically or terminally ill child, the memories you create with them become treasures that you could never replace. Often, beyond our own minds, the only way we can capture and hold onto those moments is photography.
We introduced a very important photo album to our donors, one that shared a very special message and showed donors that their money could not only create a beautiful and final memory for terminally ill children, but could also put memories in the bank of their families.
We invited donors to recognise the true value of granting a wish by giving families with a critically ill child a moment to look forward to and look back on.