The Salvation Army Crisis Partners
Every single day people all over Australia are facing crises. Whether it’s domestic violence, homelessness, or they’re just struggling to put food on the table.
To ensure that The Salvation Army can continue to always be there for those facing crises, ntegrity recommended a regular giving product to ensure consistent and reliable funding.
Create a name, brand, and campaign for The Salvation Army’s new regular giving product.
Becoming a monthly donor and looking out for your fellow Australian is something to be proud of. We wanted to create a name that not only explained what the community was, but also acted as a title to be proud of.
Enter: The Crisis Partners. A community you can join to ensure nobody goes through crisis alone.
The brand framework and subsequent campaign was then developed to tell the stories of crises — big and small — and the impact of coming together as a community of monthly donors to deliver hope every day.